Tag Archives: Integral Yoga

Purusha, Prakriti, Vedanta and Sri Aurobindo: Anthropogenesis, Holovolution and Integrality

Debashish Banerji

A discuss of how the dualism of conscious being (purusha) and automatisms (prakriti) in Sankhya is integrated in a monism in the Upanishads through the use of the Idea of an involution-evolution machine using the categories of Vidya and Avidya and the Ideational principle of Vijnana. Vijnana manifests its Real-Idea meant to explore the bliss-play of Relationality in a graded and phased manifestation. Sri Aurobindo draws attention to this Reality and its phenomenological and Ideational significances. My paper will relate the idea of Purushartha to the achievement of the five stages of Brahman realization spoken of in the Taittiriya Upanishad and show how this understanding informs the cosmology, teleology and individual and collective praxis of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga.
